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- ---------------------
- This is Wincode v2.7.2 *BETA*. It will EXPIRE on September 10, 1996. Why?
- Because we do not want "unpolished" versions of Wincode floating on the net
- coming back to haunt us! :-) Don't worry - Wincode is still FREEWARE and it
- is NOT riddled with BUGS :-). This BETA release will allow you to enjoy the
- new features now while we concentrate on polishing the product...and hey,
- if you DO find a bug, let us know - we'll give you a free HELP file
- registration...
- Several new/improved features have been added to this release. Most notably,
- this version has been extensively tested and optimized under Win95 (however,
- no support for LFN, yet!). Also, we have added YACA (Yet Another Coding
- Algorithm) and scripting support (see below). In the future, we will provide
- native Win95/NT 32-bit versions. Keep an eye out for updated info. This can be
- easily obtained by sending a BLANK e-mail to:
- wincode@snappy.global2000.net
- You will receive an auto-reply of the latest info on Wincode.
- -------
- The file CTL3DV2.DLL is used by Wincode to give it the "3D" look. This file,
- however, is included with many other products and may already be installed
- on your system. By default, the Installer will NOT copy this file to your
- system. It may be in use by Windows and would yeild an (harmless) error. For
- your benefit (read = Just In Case), we have included a RENAMED copy of the
- file with the Wincode archive. If any Wincode dialog appears "old-style"
- (i.e. white face and boxed edges), you can install the CTL3DV2.DLL. The
- procedure is quite simple:
- 1) The file MUST be located in the Windows SYSTEM directory.
- 2) If you do not see the file there, copy the included file CTL3DV2.JIC to
- your Windows SYSTEM directory and rename it CTL3DV2.DLL.
- 3) If you DO see a file there, check the version number and make sure it is
- at LEAST version: 2.26.000. If not, rename it (for backup) and do
- step 2 above.
- 4) Thats it!
- ----------
- In preparation for the coming releases, we have created a new file archive
- naming system as follows:
- WCxxxyzz.ZIP
- where
- WC = Wincode
- xxx = the Wincode version number
- y = R for official release or B for beta
- zz = either 16 for 16-bit version (Win3.1x) or
- 32 for 32-bit version (Win95/NT)
- For example, WC271B16.ZIP would be Wincode v2.7.1 for Win3.1x BETA release.
- -------------
- With the formation of the _Snappy_ Software internet site, users now have a
- place where they are guaranteed to be able to get the latest news and updates
- for _Snappy_ software. Please note that our "official" server is ONLY online
- between midnight and noon Eastern Standard time 7 days a week. It is NOT a 24
- hour server though we CAN receive e-mail round the clock. You may get a WARNING
- message but please know that your e-mail *will* be delivered. Note that the
- times listed here are maintained given that our internet provider is up and
- running and our server is not in use for development...
- Please send any feedback to:
- feedback@snappy.global2000.net
- Please send any bug reports to:
- bugs@snappy.global2000.net
- Check out our HomePage for further details at:
- http://snappy.global2000.net/
- PLEASE NOTE: There is now a _Snappy_ HomePage MIRROR site that is online
- full-time (24 hours/7 days). We encourage you to please use that site whenever
- possible - it will always have the latest release of Wincode and it is *MUCH*
- faster for downloads. It can be found at:
- http://www.global2000.net/users/snappy/snappy/
- ---------------------
- New to version 2.7.2 BETA:
- - Yet another coding algorithm has been added: BTOA. As part of our goal to
- support all Binary/ASCII conversion methods in one (quality :-) product,
- Wincode now supports encoding/decoding of BTOA v4.0 and v5.2. This
- algorithm supports simple compression, several checksum options and will
- generally create encoded files that are smaller than other methods due
- to its conversion algorithm (mod 85).
- - We have changed the "File Open" dialogs to be more intuitive. There is now
- a Code Type combo-box that will let you change the en/de-code type on-the-
- fly. This feature *WAS* in previous versions of Wincode, however, it
- required that you double-click the dialog title bar (it would cycle through
- the code types). People wrote in that it was not very intuitive...so we
- listened :-) You will notice that the "All Files" button is gone :-(
- However, the "All Files" functionality (which is to "select" all files that
- are of a given "type" - i.e. "*.txt") is *STILL* available. Just HOLD DOWN
- THE CTRL KEY and select "OK" - Wincode will process "all files" of the
- listed type.
- - The AUTO DETECT decoding option will now try to detect the code type by
- scanning the ENTIRE file. It will adjust the code type to the FIRST type
- that it encounters. If there is more than one encoding type in a file
- (*highly unlikely*), you will have to decode the non-detected portions
- manually (better yet, try Winsort first which may help). Wincode tries to
- recognize UUE, XXE, User Defined, BASE64 (MIME), BINHEX and BTOA. It can NOT
- Auto-Detect "raw" BASE64 or BOO. These two coding types should NEVER exist
- in a file which contains extraneous data - this makes it "nearly" impossible
- to detect the algorithm! The detection scheme works by identifying certain
- unique aspects of each coding algorithm. It is NOT fool-proof ;-) :-)
- - Several bug fixes were implemented. Most notably we have again improved
- Wincodes ability to handle MIME files (now recognizes some "non-standard"
- headers - again, we don't agree with the programs that create non-standard
- MIME files, but we do it for completeness sake ;-)
- - MAJOR overhaul of the Wincode EPD. The E-mail/Post option has now become
- both easier to use and intuitive. Wincode now has an "Address Book" which
- can store addresses/descriptions etc. The Wincode EPD has been patched to
- work with a few "problematic" SMTP servers we encountered plus it now can
- handle CC:, BCC: and will deliver mail in a "bulk" fashion thus lessening
- the load on your e-mail/newsgroup server.
- - Scripting has been modified (as noted below) to work with the new Wincode
- EPD. Notably, four commands are no longer valid (compared to version 2.7.1
- BETA). This should not present much of a problem. We welcome any comments
- to our changes...
- The following notes have been kept for completeness sake...
- (RE: 2.7.1 BETA/2.7.0 release)
- New to version 2.7.1 BETA:
- - Yet another coding algorithm has been added: BOO. This simple coding
- algorithm was (is) used in cross-platform file transfer where software
- could automatically encode/decode the data. It requires PREVIOUS knowledge
- of the decoded files output size. Otherwise, inherent flaws in the coding
- algorithm (NOT bugs in Wincode) CAN produce decoded output that is 1 to
- 3 bytes LARGER than the original encoded file. Most files can tolerate
- the appended NULL bytes, but it is not recommended.
- - Improved "Concatenation" option. Actually, this option has been extended
- to allow for file "splitting" as well. The splitting feature can be used
- to overcome the BOO limitations stated above.
- - Several fixes and code optimizations. Especially with regard to Win95.
- NOTE: The following scripting section reflects the v2.7.2 BETA standard. It
- does not represent the original text included with Wincode v2.7.1 BETA.
- - New simple YET powerful scripting ability. Wincode can now function using
- a scripted language. This feature allows for repairing of damaged files
- (see below) but also allows you to "program" Wincode. The scripts take the
- following form (a more EXTENSIVE explanation will accompany the OFFICIAL
- (non-BETA) release of Wincode - sorry!):
- - All scripts begin and end with a keyword WINCODESCRIPT located in the
- FIRST column of a text file (it can be ANYWHERE in the file as long as
- the keyword starts in column one).
- - The following commands are recognized (items in brackets MUST be
- provided). Anything that is not a "command" is treated as a comment:
- - close the Wincode application.
- CONFIG [filename]
- - [filename] is a preconfigured WINCODE.INI file that Wincode will
- dynamically load into memory and use.
- DECODE [filename]
- - [filename] will be decoded immediately using the active
- configuration (if not part of "GROUP" - see below).
- ENCODE [filename]
- - [filename] will be encoded immediately using the active
- configuration (if not part of "GROUP" - see below).
- - toggles the Wincode E-Mail/Post Daemon option. The "E-Mail/Post TO:"
- dialog will appear (when files are encoded) to allow you to select
- a receiver/newsgroup.
- - used to mark a subset of files that will be treated as a "group"
- (i.e. a "batch job"). This is used for specifying a series of files
- that will be ZIPped into one file then encoded. Valid values are
- either "ENCODE" or "DECODE" followed by the file specification. The
- "group" ends with the keyword "GROUP" at which point Wincode will
- process the batch job.
- - this minimizes the Wincode application window.
- - this is a special script language keyword RESERVED by Wincode to
- create "Repair" scripts. Wincode can use these scripts to repair
- "damaged" decoded files. A scenario is given below...
- - this maximizes (opens) the Wincode application window.
- - this unhooks the Wincode application.
- - toggles the Wincode UNZIP After option.
- - toggles the Wincode ZIP First option.
- - Example:
- ; here's a sample script
- ; first lets minimize wincode to get it out of the way :-)...
- ; lets grab a few files, zip them up and encode them
- ; toggle zip option
- ; start a group of files
- ; grab some files (this doesn't encode them till the next "GROUP" keyword)
- ENCODE c:\autoexec.bat
- ENCODE c:\config.sys
- ; end the group of files
- ; at this point, Wincode processes the files as a batch job...
- ; thats done...
- ; now lets post a DOOM wad file...
- ; ZIP is still ON from above!
- ; enable the e-mail/post daemon
- ; encode and send it!
- ENCODE c:\doom\mydoom.wad
- ; At this point, Wincode prompts for a destination. Enter the proper
- ; newsgroup and away we go :-)
- ; thats done
- ;
- ; etc, etc - you get the picture right?
- ;
- ; lets see wincode again :-)...
- ; done!
- - NOTE on scripts: all changes to the Wincode options (i.e. enabling
- posting, zip options, etc) exists ONLY during the execution of the
- script. When Wincode is finished, it reloads a copy of the orginal
- configuration BEFORE the script was executed...
- - As mentioned above, there are now new scripting commands which allow
- Wincode to REPAIR damaged files. How? Well, it is best explained in
- the following scenario. Note that this requires interplay with the person
- that originated the encoded file. The lines in the scenario below
- represent the ORDER of events, where * = receiver and + = sender:
- * I receive a 3MB (!) encoded file from a friend and try to decode it.
- * Wincode is chugging along when it realizes that the last 100K is
- missing or damaged. Agh! I just spent 30 minutes downloading this
- e-mail from "your-favorite-inet-provider-here" which cost me $XX.XX!
- * Luckily, I had both "Error Checking" and "Create Report Files" enabled.
- I see in the report file that Wincode has created a Repair Script(!)
- located in the same directory as the recent damaged output file. This
- is called the "CREATE" repair script.
- * Now what? Well, I take this tiny (100-200 byte!) file and mail it to
- the friend that sent me the original 3MB file. I SAVE THE DAMAGED
- + (S)he takes the Wincode Script and feeds it to Wincode. This is done
- by selecting File|Script... or Drag & Drop and checking the "Script"
- option.
- + Wincode prompts for the original "template" data file (i.e. the file
- which was originally encoded and mailed to me). My friend enters the
- FULL path using the convenient dialogs :-)
- + Wincode analyzes the file, comparing it to data it has stored in the
- repair script. If all is OK, it does two things:
- 1) creates a new Repair script called the "FIX" script
- 2) extracts and encodes the portion of the orginal file that was
- damaged in the receivers (my!) copy. In this scenario, it is
- around ~130K worth of data.
- + My friend takes these two files and e-mails them back to me.
- * After a 1 1/2 minute download of the files (vs 30 min. for original
- file), I am ready to repair the data.
- * I save the two separate files in the same directory as the original
- damaged decoded file (for neatness :-)
- * I open Wincode and feed it the NEW script file.
- * Wincode first prompts me for the location of the DAMAGED file I wish
- to fix (which I SAVED above). I give it a full path and it once again
- verifies the data.
- * Now Wincode prompts for the location of the "repair data". This is the
- small 130K data file my friend sent back.
- * Wincode then starts patching the original file. When done, it re-scans
- the ENTIRE output file and verifies the data. If all went well, I have
- now fixed the damaged file and saved a few online buck$ :-)
- Simple, no? The events, in "flow-chart" form, are:
- ----------- ------------------- -----------------
- --> |decode data| --> bad? --> |script file created| --> |mail to orginator|
- ----------- ------------------- -----------------
- | |
- | --------------------------------------------
- good? |use script to create new FIX script and data|
- | --------------------------------------------
- | |
- | ------------------------------------
- | |mail fix and repair data to receiver|
- | ------------------------------------
- | |
- | ------------------------------------------
- | |use script and data to repair damaged file|
- | ------------------------------------------
- ------------- |
- |happiness :-)|<-------------------------- /
- -------------
- New to version 2.7.0 RELEASE:
- - YES, it now supports BINHEX ENCODING and DECODING! We have even included
- an encode option that will allow you to add the correct MAC Finder info
- (See the HELPME.HLP file 'A Simple Encode Example' Note for details). The
- BINHEX algorithm supports RLE (Run Length Encoding) which can dramatically
- reduce the size of the resulting encoded file (ZIPped files do not benefit
- much, however).
- - The AUTO DETECT decoding option will now try to detect the code type of the
- file. It tries to recognize BINHEX and BASE64 but will default to UU/XX/
- User Defined code type. The detection algorithm is VERY simple and only
- scans the first 16K of each input file.
- - If you have a Winsock setup, Wincode can now automatically handle e-mailing
- and Posting of encoded documents. Just drag and drop :-) If you do NOT have
- a Winsock or are not planning to use Wincodes e-mail/post features, then
- you can delete the files WCESOCK.EXE to conserve disk space :-)
- - Now includes integrated Virus Scanning using a DOS based virus scanner.
- - Winsort now can filter out HTML conversion codes. This allows one to decode
- files that were saved using a WWW browser. To see this effect, try using
- one of the many Net Search engines to locate an encoded article from an
- Internet Newsgroup. When you save this article (or retrieve it from the
- cache), it will contain special HTML escape codes which corrupt the encoded
- data. Winsort can now rescue these files.
- - The Hooking feature has been updated to fix two major incompatibilities.
- First, it is now more "aware" of the types of Windows it can and cannot
- hook. This resolves the issue with the Dropper application. Second, and
- most importantly, the "grayed menu" bug has been fixed. There is a NEW
- option, 'Double Hook Menu', in the Hook Tuning section. Enabled the double
- hook and Wincode will dynamically monitor the applications menu and make
- adjustments as needed. This works great for MDI applications (e.g. Free
- Agent) which change the main menu when different windows are selected. If
- the Wincode menu disappears, just click the menu and it will reappear!
- - The HELPME.TXT text file has been converted to a Windows HELP file. This
- FREE Help will now start any time an unregistered user selets a Help
- option within Wincode.
- - revamped interface to the latter Windows 3.11 "look" - yes, Win95 is
- here but we have updated Wincode to use the 3-D look. You will need
- CTL3DV2.DLL to take advantage of this feature. This DLL is a part of
- many newer Microsoft application distributions.
- - new Configuration dialog - tabbed notebook. Makes life much easier :-)
- - Use of Common Dialogs for file encode/decode. In fact, if you select
- 'File|Encode' or 'File|Decode' you can also now change the CODE TYPE by
- double clicking the dialog TitleBar...
- - Improved speed. Code was ported to Borland Delphi (which explains the
- larger file size - sorry!) and there will be a TRUE Win95 32-bit version
- available soon after Borland releases Delphi32 (Delphi 2.0 is scheduled for
- release on March 1, 1996).
- - Fixed Code bugs and the "disappearing Wincode" bug...
- - Improved the interactive Drag and Drop code to allow selection of different
- Code Types for encoding vs decoding.
- - Added links to the Auto E-mail/Post engine.
- - Expanded the ButtonBar and menus to include a few other essential features.
- - Many internal updates and code enhancements that will come as a nice
- surprise to hardcore Wincode users... :-)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [GHS 05/08/96]